Lions Club of Dhaka Mohakhali Friends has organized a free tree sapling and food items distribution program among school students. Last Saturday, August 6, 2022, about 500 flower and fruit trees were distributed among the students of “Ismail Pathan School and College” in Jarun area of Gazipur.
M Miraz Hossain, the president of the Lions Club of Dhaka Mohakhali Friends, initiated this tree planting and planting program. It was attended by Md. Abdul Wahab PMJF (District Governor), Jalal Ahmed MJF (Former District Governor), and other members of the District Committee.
The program highlights the benefits of trees and the importance of planting trees to the students. At this time, a plant and a packet of food were given to all the students.
The organizer M. Miraz Hossain said that this program is organized out of the urge to protect the environment. There are plans to organize plantation programs on a larger scale in the future.