M Miraz Hossain with Ban Ki Moon

At a ceremony two years ago, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon promised a Bangladeshi named M Miraz Hossain to join his Ban Ki-Moon Center for Global Civilization. On January 14, a letter really came to M Miraz Hossain from Ban Ki-Moon Center; Where Ban Ki-Moon himself signed.

The letter said, “Everyone is invited to join the Ban Ki-moon Center for Global Civilization.”

M Miraz Hossain is full of emotion in such a letter. He wrote on his Facebook status,

There are certain moments in human life, moments that are unimaginable. I met Ban Ki-Moon at an event when he was UN Secretary-General. At one point in the program, he laughed and said, “I will add you to my foundation, be ready.” I took the matter as a joke. But after two years of receiving that invitation, I couldn’t believe it. In fact, it is clear from the words of the mouths of those who rise to such heights and the sharpness of their memory.

The letter said about the Ban Ki-Moon Foundation, the foundation is successfully working to improve the quality of the local and international community. The Foundation strives to establish human rights for all in the world, regardless of age, gender, identity, religion, or nationality. The foundation is working with various international organizations and individuals to solve various social problems.

‘We are honored to have you in our organization. Your knowledge of volunteering locally and internationally will help us move forward. ”

Miraz Hossain further writes in his status,

I would like to express my gratitude to Allah Ta’ala for remembering the worst of me and for considering him fit to join the Ban Ki-moon Center for Global Civilization as a” Territorial Executive. “Thanks to Ban Ki-moon and his foundation.

The Ban Ki-Moon Center for the Global Foundation is a semi-international organization in Vienna, Austria. In January 2016 the center was established. Between the Ban Ki-Moon Center for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the framework of the Paris Climate Agreement Works for the empowerment of women and youth. The Foundation’s projects are divided into four levels. These are counseling, education, leadership, and peace and security. Miraz Hossain is an entrepreneur from Bangladesh; Director of Keya Cosmetics. He is the Managing Director of MJ Trading.

News source: NewsBangla24

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